Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A mixture of stuff

I think it was last week (the weeks are running together now) but Mom was doing her meals on wheels when the jeep broke. She was up by Waiamea Bay on some back road. When I went to go get her/check on her she had to walk down to Kam so I knew where to turn. The shifty thing broke on the jeep so you couldn't change gears, so you couldn't get into park to even start the jeep back up. So, we called a tow truck and loaded up the nissan and took care of two more of her customers. By that time the tow truck was there and once it got loaded they followed us back home. It was easy, and not too stressful.

This past Saturday Mom and I went to the Bon Festival at the Waialua Mission. We met up with her neighbors and just got something to eat. Since it was my drill weekend and I had to get up early we didn't stay for the dancing or any of the really good stuff. Maybe next year. I got a flying saucer to eat. It looks weird and a little out of focus but it was good. It was two pieces of bread, buttered (kinda like a grill cheese sandwich), filled with chilly, put into a round press, the sides cut off, and then they heat it up. TA DA.... a nifty way to have chilly on the go :D Oh and by the mission there was wild cotton growing! CRAZINESS!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...