Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well I survived my week of EMEDS training at Alpena Michigan. We flew out Friday night and got to Alpena Saturday afternoon. After a quick change into civies we took the good ol' blue bus to "town" and went to Applebees. When we got back Carmen and I scouted out the local area, where I took it upon myself to cut some wood due to the cold weather (see pics). Sunday started out overcast and rainy but we headed out to Mackinac Island anyway and it turned out to be a beautiful day! They don't allow cars on the island so it's all horse drawn or bicycles. It's a cute touristy town with plenty of fudge and salt water taffy shops. We checked out the fort, and needless to say that's when the picture fun really began. I haven't laughed so hard in who knows how long, my stomach was aching!
On Monday we had a day of classes, well... more like death by power point. It went quickly. On Tuesday we headed out the "the field" and set up a couple of tents and put some gear inside. Wednsday was training day and the PAM team went on a field trip to town (it is a cute little town) to check out a water treatment plant and a waste water plant. Yep, the second one stunk but heh somebody has to clean up everyone else's poo :P Thursday was the big exercise day. It went pretty well and before I knew it, it was Friday and we were tearing down the tents. Friday night there was a steak dinner for everyone, oh and a bonus it was my 33rd birthday. I had a great time! During one of our breaks on Friday someone started to look up how to say Happy Birthday in different languages, I was wished a Happy Birthday in over 10 different languages :) Good times!
I need to give a shout out to my old employer at the North Shore Soap Factory. They DO have mosquitoes out there and I used the beach bar soap and their bug-b-gone spray. Not ONE bite :D WOOT! By friday night everyone was using my bug-b-gone instead of OFF and whatever other chemical crap they were using!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...