Monday, July 06, 2009

My walk to HPU (pics)

Well, today I decided to walk to HPU to drop off some paperwork and to see how long it would take for me to walk. Well it took a little less than an hour. When I text Seanny when I got to HPU to see how his day was going, he mentioned meeting for lunch at Aloha Tower. So that was a nice lunch :D I then walked to the HI state library and even though I didn't get the books I wanted I did grab a couple of books. I then headed home. When I calculated the route that I did, it said that I walked 4.62 miles!!! WOAH! I'm thinking I should have taken the bus home :)
Over all it was a nice walk and I took some pics, of course. One weird thing that I saw today was a homeless man sleeping on the side of the road (not so weird) BUT on his bike (aka pack mule) he had a vacuumed bungeed to it! What is a homeless person going to do with a vacuum?!
Anyway...enjoy the pics...

This is a replica of the Liberty bell in front of the state capitol.

statue of Father Damien

'Iolani Palace

King Kamehameha

State Library

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