Tuesday, July 14, 2009


written by Rachel Snyder

Your address, your bed, your body, your bookshelf. Take a walk, take a
hike, take a step away from stagnating jobs, relationships and life
patterns. Change perspective. Move closer to people who meet you with
authenticity and nourish your wildest dreams. You don't have to move
mountains, shifting a single pebble can work wonders.

Touch the part of your own body that you love. Embrace in the bakery,
in the parking lot, in the doorways all over town. Kiss people on the
cheek. Stroke your cat more, pet your dog more. Savor the sensation of a
silky scarf, of a well-sanded piece of wood, of the triad of textures in an
Almond Joy. Moss, bark, rocks and the water work, too. The more you do it,
the less you bump up against the "ouch" in touch.

Sit in silence and see how much there is to hear. Listen to people.
What are they really saying? Listen to the very last notes of every song.
Listen to your own inner voice - the one you hear only when the dim of every
day is diminished. Hear the rustle of a leaf, the call of a bullfrog, the
pop and crackle of your wood stove. Listen with your toes, listen with your
heart and always listen to that which is never spoken.

Feel the pain, feel the joy, until you feel you'll surely evaporate.
Stop holding back from laughing with your belly, loving from the deepest
places of your heart, swooning with the sensuality of life itself. When
another's disregard or arrogance enrages you, feel the anger rise up and
roar! If you're not truly feeling, you're not truly alive - you're just going
through the motions.

Stop second-guessing yourself. You know what you know, you know? That
inner tickling is your highest truth. It will serve you well; the
backfire comes when you deny or discount it. Take in information, from all
sides, yet trust, in the end, that you - and you alone - know what's best for
you. If all day you pine to paint, then that is what you must do. If you ache
to walk beside the ocean, find a way to get there. Without complete
trust, you are left only to rust.

Gather together with women and men you love. Sip tea together, walk
in the woods together, talk and talk and talk, read aloud to each other, do
absolutely nothing together. Revel in how your hair and your skin and
your bodies and your stories are so different - and so utterly alike. Cook
and eat together, stand beside the washing machine and cry and hug and
wail together. And most assuredly, laugh together until your sides ache.

For once, stop giving, giving, giving to everyone but yourself.
Accept a compliment with grace. Voice what you need - be it a hug, a moment
of talk, food for your table, a loan of money - and know that it will be
provided. Loosen your white-knuckled, stressed-out grasp on life, and then
let the palms of your hands fill to overflowing. Know that you deserve all you
receive, and remember to show your gratitude for the sheer
magnificence of a life lived well.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...