Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm slacking on post

Not much is going on. Mom and Dad hired me to paint the railing on their deck. The first day of painting was on Tuesday. The plan is to go to Mom and Dad's on Tuesday's and Thursday's till it's all done. Well, today is Thursday and I'm here and it's raining like the heavens were opened up... so... no painting but I'm getting the laundry done. Which is a party within it's self :(
Seanny and I waiting to see what comes of the lay offs. The gov sent out notifications to people that they are getting laid off. No, Seanny didn't get one BUT if there is an IT person in his department that DID get one, Seanny could get bumped out (fired). So, we wait.
Dad is on his way, or is there, to his "mecca" of Oshkosh. It's all about things that fly. I dropped him off at the airport yesterday.
Like I said, not much going on to write about here.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...