Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Random (pics)

Well I've been busy this week with apartment stuff (shopping) and trying to keep up with my online class cuz of my drill weekend. I've been packing off and on between my studies and shopping. Everyone around here has been great, offering their help with the move and also people have been offering to give us stuff (kitchen stuff etc.).
The past couple of weeks I've begun to really appreciate my iPhone, mainly due to it's GPS thing. Like all GPS systems they aren't always correct (I've also wanted to throw my phone out the window) but over all it's come in handy. Also, with my apartment shopping I would take pics of things and send them to Seanny at work for his thoughts/feelings on things. I'd hate to buy stuff for our apartment that he absolutely hates.
This week is also the week that Mom and Dad's deck is being built. So when I'm at home, we have that nice background noise of carpentry, pounding, drilling, nail guns, and Sami barking and growling wanting to attack the nail gun. Here are some pics of the soon to be deck:

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Life is work!

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