Monday, June 08, 2009

Pics of the apartment are coming!

Needless to say we are still unpacking and trying to figure out what is the best fit for everything in our closet ;)
On Saturday, my Dad and Seanny moved practically all of our stuff into the apartment. Sunday, Seanny my love unpacked and set up a majority of the stuff with the understanding that I'd probably move things around (which I have already begun to do). Our first dinner out on the lanai was just pasta, salad, and garlic bread. Sunday night Seanny cooked his chicken dish that sounds just as amazing as it taste... but for the life of me I can't seem to remember it or even spell it if it came to mind.
I wish our first weekend in the apartment didn't coincide with my drill weekend but oh well.
Seanny's commute to work this morning... a whopping 7 minutes :D WOOT
I'm meeting him for lunch this afternoon then I'm heading to Mom and Dad's to pick up the rest of the stuff, and some laundry.
Work this weekend was it's typical stuff... but I did pass my physical fitness test, YEAH... I totally need to work out on a regular basis, my run this year was the slowest it's ever been! There is a YMCA just a block away (I can see it from my lanai) maybe I'll check them out for classes etc.
We have constant breezes into our apartment being on the 14th floor. I don't think we have shut our lanai door or our bedroom windows yet. We really don't get any bugs except for these ity bity flying bugs. It's weird, but if that's the worst thing than I think we are doing o.k.
Hopefully I'll have the pics posted later this week :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...