Thursday, June 18, 2009

How long does it take to walk to Waikiki beach from my new home?! (pics)

30 MINUTES!!!!
So, since I HATE to the morning I can speed walk to Waikiki beach, change into my bathing suit, go for a swim/relax some, and then change and speed walk back :D
Anyhoo... my original plan this morning was to go for a swim at the pool, do some laps and what not, take my online test and THEN go for the walk to Waikiki. Well I get up to the pool and they were cleaning it :( I was going to wait, I checked out the views and then figured screw it, I got the sunscreen on...figured I'd go take the walk. So, I changed and was on my way.
It was overcast and I kept getting rained on BUT I refused to bow to the elements and I kept on trucking. Plus, in Hawaii it doesn't rain that long anyway :D
Here's a pic from the Ala Wai canal on one of the many bridges that goes across it. This is looking toward the ocean.

There are random murals painted on walls throughout this city. You see them going to the airport, and even in Haliewa.

I had to chuckle at this long line. Are they waiting for tickets for a show, a dolphin excursion, or a luau?! No! They are waiting in line to RENT A CAR :P When I walked back over 30 minutes later there was still a line! Plan ahead people! These folks have wasted their whole morning waiting in line for a rental car!
How did you spend your Hawaii vacation?! Ummm Yeah.... stood in line for a rental car...

TA DA!!!!
I made it in about 30 minutes :D Just when I started to get too hot from walking I'd get a burst of A/C from the overpriced high brow stores :D I did find a cute little diner that has old fashion mild shakes. I didn't get one but maybe later...

While walking around in Waikiki I thought of how it was when I walked around Vegas when I'd go visit the folks. It's pretty similar but with less walking, no casinos, less drunks, and less people on the street trying to get you to do/buy/try something. The "vibe" was the same, not sure if it's a touristy/all these people are on vacation and what to have fun vibe or what, but when you just walk through it it's kinda relaxing. I mean if you don't get caught up in the angry touristy types... but when you are in a tourist area you are surrounded by people who want to enjoy life and to have a good time. How can you not feel that and get a good vibe from it?! This "vibe" may be hit or miss but whatever... it was on today :D
I've notice walking around by yourself you don't get harassed as much as you do when you are with someone. I did get stopped by Carl who was missing some teeth. He was all smiles even when he found out I had a boyfriend. I wasn't sure what he was peddling but I knew what he wanted to peddle :P UM... that would be a no Carl!
Well, Seanny is coming home for lunch today and I'm going to be a good girlfriend and make a sandwich for him or something. My Martha Stewart skills are limited but I'm working on them ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...