Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 Weeks to Go

This semester will be over in 2 weeks, YEAH! But I have 3 papers to write and of course my 5 finals :( But then I'll have a nice easy summer and I'll just be taking 1 class and then nothing during August and September.
I started my 10 page paper yesterday on a book comparison of two books about Islam. They were both interesting but writing a paper about them... not so much. But oh well, it's school and I have to do it. For a break yesterday Seanny and I went to the Spam Jam in Waikiki. It was o.k., but not something I HAVE to go to every year. If you like Spam, which is the purpose of this whole get together, then you get to try different foods made with spam. Seanny and I had some Sicilian bread with spam. I thought it was tasty but Seanny could of done with out it. After we had our one spam meal we walked around a bit and called it a night. They had two stages set up and they were loud. When we first got there they had some hula dancers on stage and when we were leaving they had a band but they were doing a lot of talking about spam and not much music playing. Hopefully that changed once we left. We would like to point out there was no beer being sold as far as we could tell. According to Seanny-no festival is a festival if they are not selling beer. So we went and saw the epic Spam Jam... and we can stay home and make up spam food concoctions and drink beer ;)
Now on to the paper.....

One of the many food tents...

Looking down the street towards the vendors..... it was pretty busy

My Seanny :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...