Sunday, May 03, 2009

1 week to go, and a couple of left over Vegas pics :)

YEAH, I'm in the home stretch when it comes to school. I was allowed to skip out of my drill this weekend, thank goodness! I have 4 finals to take and so.... I have a lot of studying to do. I spend a majority of my day yesterday and today will be another long day of hitting the books and getting everything laid out for easy reviews. I got all my papers turned in, not the best work I've ever done... to the point that I didn't let Seanny review the last two. I usually have him review it and help make it a better paper. But in my sociology class I got a 92% over all :D So I know I got at least 1 A this semester. WhooHoo
Seanny is finally finished with his physical for work. He turned in his paperwork on Thursday and we are both hoping that he starts working this coming week sometime. It is the government so who knows, apparently they had to send it somewhere else for review before he can start. The lady said once that is done then he's good to go. So now we wait again...
I'm including a couple of pics that we had taken at the H-D Cafe in Vegas. I had to scan them in so that's why they were included in the first couple of post about Vegas. It was a lot of fun and of course Seanny enjoyed the H-D Cafe. The bike that we are sitting on is a replica of the bike that Peter Fonda had in Easy Rider. I actually watched Easy Rider before going to bike week with Seanny. It's from 1969, if that tells you something. It's different and if you have a weak stomach I'd go ahead and skip this one just cuz of the ending. I watched it with Mom and Dad and unfortunately Mom said that's how the country was back then, which is sad. What's even sadder to be is that people still judge people on the way someone looks. Maybe not to the point, most of the time, of wanting to kill that person but still to feel negatively about someone just cuz of their looks is DUMB!
In my anthropology class we would get into discussion groups and we would have a list of topics to discuss among ourselves that pertained to readings that were required. One day I picked the subject of tattoos, for those that know me that choice wouldn't surprise people, well out of our group I heard some interesting things. For one, some of the people felt as if someone had numerous tattoos, specially if they were on the neck, then they assumed that person spent time in jail! I, of course, argued this point because one I have 7 tattoos, and two I've known people that have tattoos on their neck that have never stepped foot in jail and have never broke the law. Yes, there are some people that may fit into a "stereotype" on how "those" people may look.... but to make that sweeping generalization is just wrong and lazy!
Take the time people, you just may meet the most interesting and caring people!

Enough of my rant... here are the pics.

This one was for Seanny's parents....

This one was for fun :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...