Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well it's been an interesting and good few days :)
During one of Seanny and I's excursions out we went to a local strip mall area to get some lunch and were greeted by the sight of a cute little boys butt cheeks as he decided to go pee on a palm tree. We get to see a lot of out of the ordinary type of stuff around here:)
We went and saw the UH team get beat by the Fighting Irish. The game wasn't the best but the tickets were free, they served big beers and margaritas, and it was a beautiful cool day in Hawaii. So, we had fun. During one of Seanny's smoke breaks we were approached by a rather big guy (which aways worries me) who asked about something we didn't understand. Then I recognized the word "smoke" so I went ahead and made an assumption. Apparently Seanny and I look like we partake... hmmm. Anyway, we told him no and I wished him luck on his hunt and we went back to the game.
I'm serious in that we see the weirdest stuff around here. It keeps us on our toes :)
Christmas Eve we were caroled, well it was our neigbor that were getting sang to, but we appreciated it too. They even sang in Hawaiian which is always pretty. We think they did japanese too but we aren't for sure. After that, we had Mom and Dad open their gifts :) Success :)
Christmas Day we were off to a slow relaxing start. We had our coffee, and then Seanny and I went to the market for some breakfast food. By 11 the guys were done cooking (Mom says it's a new tradition-the men cook breakfast on Xmas day), and we sat down to eggs, bacon, hash browns, and some garlic toast from the grill... YUM. Seanny and I then got on the computer and had Xmas with his family in Virginia via Skype. We had a Santa head full of gifts from them. We both made out like bandits :) Then we switched to the laptop and gave them a tour of the house, which of course didn't take too long ;) Once we signed off with the fam in Virginia we then opened the presents we had under the tree here and Seanny is still playing with his Sky Scout that I got him (I think he likes it).
Well I got the pics posted and wrote a bit. I'm going to go be lazy and paint my nails :)

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