Monday, June 04, 2018

Health and Fitness

For anyone that knows me or spends any time on this blog you may have noticed I start some things (lipsense, exercise routines, essential oils...) but then you never hear anything more about them.

-completely stopped messing with lipsense, I have some lipsticks that are collecting dust (I'm low maintenance and low make up)
-essential oils: I still use them for myself, at home, and at the office but am not a big seller of items no matter how much I like them and use them
-exercise routines: I have started and stopped more times than anything and I foresee that I will continue with this behavior.  I've accepted this part of me :D

One thing that I am decent about is monitoring myself, diet and exercise, and when I feel things are not going well or I'm slacking in an area I change.  If I feel that I've been over indulging in unhealthy food, wine, cider, whatever I will scale back.  When I begin to notice that clothing is getting tighter or that my arms are flapping more than I'd like I start working out again.  I do NOT just go out and buy bigger clothing.  I guess it's a blessing for me that I hate shopping and I'd rather starting expending more energy than shop for clothing ;)

Which brings me to my latest attempt to try something and we will see how long it last.  Being back in the regular work force I tend to not work out as much or eat regularly or healthy.  I end up rushing in the morning and skipping breakfast.  At my last job I kept a stash of energy bars at work (cliff, luna, etc.), something I could grab for breakfast or lunch on the go without walking to the coffee shack or vending machines OR skipping out all together.  I've been keeping my eyes out for a meal replacement shake.  A few years back I was ordering  and drinking Shakeology.  At that time it was good for me, the taste wasn't bad, and I kept with that for a decent amount of time.  Things that I didn't like about it, that I can remember, was the automatic shipping.  I hate automatic shipping for ANYTHING!  I tend to not use whatever it is in the amount of time they think I'll need another order.  I understand it's usually cheaper to do the auto shipping but for me I don't like to waste and that is what ends up happening. 

So my latest and greatest "try out" is Huel.  It's a meal replacement shake.  I'm not sure how I came across it, maybe Facebook, but I took some time and read about it.  Reviewed some write ups and what people thought about it.  It seemed good enough to try out and I don't have to do the automatic shipping (pro).  I got my first shipment this past weekend.  I was going to start drinking it for breakfast over the weekend to make sure I wouldn't have any gut problems with it (most of these drinks have a good amount of fiber).  I didn't stick to that plan... it was Memorial Day weekend and there are other things to drink and eat that was more appealing to me! 

For your first order you get 2 bags of Huel, a shaker bottle, and a tshirt.  I also ordered a flavor boost, strawberry, just in case the vanilla wasn't the best tasting.  The shaker bottle made me a little nervous due to not having a mixing ball in it, just a weird screen thingy.  Back to the internet I go "does their bottle work to mix it well" "what is the screen thing".  Some of the reviews complained that it is lumpy so I was worried.  How is this going to mix well without an agitator of some sort?  The whole point of this is for easy, mix and go, if I have to use a blender I'm not going to be a fan?! 
There were mix responses to my questions, which were similar to others.  Oh and the screen thingy is an ice catcher.

First day going back to work and first try with Huel.  First off it has a pleasant smell when I opened the bag, slightly sweet (I got the vanilla one) and oaty.  Directions say to poor 400 ml in the mixer, add 3 scoops, mix, and then another 140 ml of water.  That seemed a lot of water to me so I started with about 300 ml of water, added the 3 scoops, and did a little shake.  Actually a good shake, it's like it's own mini workout :)  Then I added about 100 ml more through the drinking spout.  This allowed me to rinse some of the product that got stuck there.  I mixed again.  I then took the top off and added a few ice cubes and then the ice catcher.  Easy peasy!(pro) The taste, I was surprised how good it was! (pro) Seriously.  There is a slight chalk/grit feel but to me it's miniscle.  I tend to take my time drinking it, once I mix it I am usually walking out the door, walking into work I give it some more shakes/mixes, and when I get into work I start drinking it.  I casually drink it over an hour.  I also have a 10 min meeting I go to every morning and the Huel is camping out at my desk waiting for me. 

Yesterday after drinking it I felt content with the amount.  I didn't feel bogged down or overly full (pro).  Some have complained of stomach upset.  In the mornings after drinking it I do not have any stomach issues or bubble guts.  Once it starts to process out of my stomach into my intestine (per google that is around 6 hours) I start to get some gut issues.  As I type this (this is my second Huel day) I have bubble guts and feel like I have to go, is this the lunch I just wolfed down or the Huel getting into my GI track?  I could go either way I think :(  Per the blogs, this GI upset is "normal" and my body will eventually adjust to it.  I got it, went through this with Shakeology but it was more aggressive with that shake.  You have to keep in mind most of these shakes have a good amount of fiber, way more than most of us routinely have in our diets although we should.  I get it, it's par for the course.  I am working on increasing my water intake so that should help mitigate this transition. 

So, my second day down drinking Huel.  I'm liking it thus far and I'm looking to trying out other flavors with it and even cooking with it!  As of today I have no complaints about it either but I'm a pretty laid back person.  I'll attempt to keep you all updated with how this Huel thing works out for me.  Oh, some people do meal replacement shakes for weight loss and some for weight gain.  I'm neither.  I'm comfortable with my weight but I would like to tone up some and get in better shape.  I am watching my caloric intake and a meal replacement is a great way for me to monitor the calories better.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...