Monday, May 28, 2018

New job, updated animal sitings, random outings

Two weeks down at a new job and so far I am feeling that this has been a good employment move for me.  The morale/vibe of the place is good and the pace not a regular crisis mode.  I got an office with a view which was a nice surprise.  I'm redoing my name tag.  I'm not sure why some things are difficult to make neat but it is what it is.  
My view :) I LOVE all the natural light I'm getting right now.
I'm fixing this to make it neater, sorry Army NCO this just isn't cutting it for me!
This coming week I'll take over the anger management group and then hopefully have my schedule updated in the system so I can start being scheduled with individuals.  Things are moving at a steady forward pace which as been a nice change from the last job.

After my first work week, we took Stevie to Seward for the Mermaid festival.  We were both fighting a head cold but we decided that since we had Stevie, she is warm and we can be comfortable, that we'd still make a go of it.  I'm glad we did.  It was rainy and overcast the whole time but it was a nice get away.  Relaxing and beautiful.  We stayed right on the water!  We saw bald eagles and some sea lions playing in the water while we had our morning coffee.  
Our view from our camping spot once we pulled in to Seward AK
rainy weather doesn't stop the annual Mermaid Festival in Seward!
The Mermaid Festival was a small venue but it was good, local vendors and some local music!  Since we were both under the weather we brought soup for our dinners ;) With me working it was up to Joe to gather most of the things for Stevie.  When I got off of work I asked if he had certain things, packed up my clothing etc, and we were off.  I found out once we got there and it was time for dinner that Joe does not get to pack up kitchen stuff anymore.  We were missing some key items, like more than one spoon!  As usual we adapted and had a good time.
He forgot the spoons, he got the cooking spoon!
We are currently finishing up a three day Memorial Day weekend.  We kept it low key but decided to drive up to Talkeetna to check out the town.  We went past it on the train in the winter and thought it looked cute and fun.  We were right!  It's a small town and touristy.  The place was busy and everyone was walking around, it takes about 10 minutes to walk the town!  The cruise ships have started coming to Alaska and some of them dock in Whittier.  There was a group of older ladies that were visiting from Albany NY and took the train to Talkeetna.  They were having a good time and one of them was getting ready to sign up for a helicopter ride around Denali!  It was a relaxing sunny day.
on the banks of the Susitna River... background is Denali!
air strip.... they are every where here in Alaska!
On the way home we stopped at Lynne Lake because a friend of ours was helping his folks clear out some lake front land.  It turned into an impromptu canoe ride which we did not complain about!  Joe went back the next day to help clear some more land while I went on a little hike with a friend.  
Random canoe ride!
Have I mentioned how beautiful it is around here!
It is so beautiful here, it's so hard to capture in pictures but we try.  The nature here is amazing.  A few days last week I would pass by a moose with her two calves.  Today we were driving home and there was a moose having her dinner on the side of the road!  So far we have not seen or come across any bear but we have our bear spray that we take with us when we are out and about ;)  At the end of this blog I added our animal siting's fun but we are getting to the "lost count" range with some of them.

When we are not out and about we enjoy our lazy time at home with Tux the Judger.  We have a wonderful bay window that looks out towards the mountains so we always have a great view, once we look over the roof tops!

Animal sitings update:
Buffalo: a big herd
Caribou: 9 alive and 1 carcass
Deer: 5
Dall Sheep: lost count
Rabbit: 1
Prairie Dog: 1
Tundra Swan: lost count
Moose: lost count
Bald Eagle: lost count
Porcupine: 1
Sea Lions: 4

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...