Saturday, March 03, 2018

...down by the river

Life is an interesting ride and Joe and I have been kicking around what our future looks like.  A couple of years ago we've began talking about what we want to do and we both have gypsy souls which are pulling us towards traveling.  Not the traveling of tourist but of living and immersing ourselves where ever we are.  We understood that those travels would start here in Alaska.  We have some goals... pay off our credit cards, which is our only real debt at this point, and then hit the road.  We had a rough time line of how this would pan out but it has become more and more obvious that our time line will be moving forward more quickly.

Joe and I have been looking at what type of vehicle we will need to be comfortable and will suit our nomadic lifestyle.  We've looked at truck campers and camper vans mostly.  We want small, compact, and sturdy.  We are not looking to do a lot of glamping that requires a pull behind trailer or RV that has t.v.'s, pull outs, and pretty much a small apartment on wheels.  The goal of traveling, to us, is to experience life outside of 4 walls whatever those walls look like.  Additionally, we are not going to confine our traveling to the United States so that is also a factor.

We have a couple up here that have been amazing for us.  Joe connected with them while he was up here for work while we were still living in Florida.  Both are former military, the wife will be retiring any month now, and they are moving forward with their nomadic life with a truck camper.  They have been a great resource for us, they have just walked the path we are currently on, but more importantly they are keeping us in check for us to not get caught up in all the prep/what ifs etc. that most people get caught up in.  They are pushing us to make the leap.

This leap of faith, selling pretty much everything and just hitting the road, is exciting and a tad scary all in one.  Most leaps of faith are I suppose.  I have realized that when I have taken an absolute leap of faith, followed my gut/passion, things have worked out beautifully.  

We are not yet at the cliff edge but we are definitely seeing it on the horizon and the view is clear.

Things that are making it more "clear" to us are growing by the day.  We have unpacked here in Alaska but unlike when we unpacked in Florida we have barely hung things on the wall.  The motivation and drive to make this place feel like home is not there.  We both have decent paying jobs (thus the credit card debt will go down fast) but we question the "why" almost daily.  Maybe more so me :P 

I love helping Veterans but the lack of structure,  oversight, accountability, support, guidance, etc at my work is impacting my ability to serve the Veterans that I work with and that is not good.  There are "policies" that are not in writing thus are not clear and not everyone is on the same page resulting it a lot of "winging" it.  That has and will continue to have a negative impact on patient care and management/leaders don't appear to be bothered by it to make it better.  I've played this game in the military and I don't feel that I need to continue with it, I've paid a majority of my dues to the man already.  Especially going from a place of authority and being able to make changes to not having any of that.

Joe and I are taking a hard look at our finances and what that will look like once our debts are paid.  We are surprised at what we will be "living on" and that has been some more fuel to the fire to move forward and just LIVE our life that we want to live!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...