Sunday, April 10, 2016

Garden City Love

We took a few days off and drove up to Savannah.  Joe has been there before and wanted me to see it thinking that I'd love it and he was right!  The history, the Spanish moss, and just walking around looking at everything was awesome.  We went in the middle of the week so it wasn't crazy busy and the weather was almost perfect!
We stayed in an historic house, well... we stayed in the carriage house so we had our own little place :) It was off of a main road and it was perfect for the two of us!  We got there before we could check in so we just parked at started walking.  We were about 4 blocks away from the much to see!  All the old houses, the gardens here and there.... words cannot capture the beauty of that city!

us walking around checking out everything!
After we spent time walking around, checking out some pubs, we were able to check in.  Joe was trying for a bed and breakfast but this was not like that, it was like we were renting out our own little apartment!
the headboard, our house number was 109
Once we got unpacked and situated and I put on some warmer clothing we were off again.  The joys about these cities is the random happy people you meet.  We stopped at a pub that was right around the corner from our place and a girl next to us, from the UK, was talking to another man getting some traveling tips.  Once the guy left we began talking to her.  She's in her early 20's and decided to save her money, sell everything, and go traveling around!  Awesome!  We found it funny that she'd never been to Ireland because it's "too expensive".  We had a good chat and we were off doing a thing I started "apps and drinks" :P  We stop at places, sit at the bar, get an appetizer and a drink, enjoy some chit chat and then we go off to another place!  After few places it turns into just drinks but it's a good way to extend the visit and make sure one didn't get too toasted along the way.  Oh Savannah is an open carry city.  I got drinks "to go" and in the doorway of every place is a stack of plastic cups!  The city is beautiful and to walk around drinking.... it's like walking around with a drink in a museum!  
We didn't realize how many movies are made in the area until the next day when we did a trolley tour of the town.  We knew about some of the big ones but it was good to hear about others.  That pub next to our place, we stopped in at least twice, was from "Something to talk about"!  "There is Forest Gump" and "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil".  We found the bench area where Gump was chillin and the tower where the feather floated down, and the house where the killing took place from "midnight...".  Once we got home we watched "Midnight...." We are still working through Savannah movies :P
Outside of Six Pence pub
We walked around and took pictures and just enjoyed the city.  
crossing the street.... so much green and beauty everywhere
We had a good time, listened to some music and just walked everywhere!  
this was an awesome pet store :( went through it and thought of Sami...had a chuckle with their signs though!
Not sure what city we have our sights on next but either way we'll have fun exploring!

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Life is work!

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