Thursday, December 03, 2015

Highs and Lows

We have made it through Thanksgiving!  Actually Thanksgiving was very nice.  I had to work but keeping in mind that my clients are stuck on a unit and had limited time with their families (if they came for a visit). It was a good day. Our staff all brought in traditional foods and we broke bread with our clients, it was nice....reminded me of how things would be at a deployed location.  Granted, after we ate I had to do therapy with my clients.  They seemed to appreciate it and they had football games to watch so lunch didn't last too long.  The next day Joe and I headed over to New Orleans. Neither one of us has been there before and it's only about 5 hours away!  Nothing like a nice mini vaca :)

Joe found a historic hotel for us to stay at, French Market Inn cir. 1833.  It was just at the edge of the French Market.  On a hour carriage tour we heard that 90% of the buildings in the French Market had courtyards and our hotel had a beautiful one!  It was amazing how quiet it was being in the courtyard and when we stepped out front of our hotel, all the people and noise....
We dropped off our stuff but couldn't valet our car for a few more hours, so we hit the streets.  Stopped in an Irish bar and had an irish coffee to toast our little vaca.
After a quick walk a bout we stashed the car and got ready to really enjoy the French Quarter.  We stopped at a place for dinner, expecting a wait BUT we walked right in AND scored a balcony table overlooking the street.  During our dinner there were street performers on the corner playing wonderful music!
After dinner we walked around and found a little bar, with an awesome courtyard and wasn't uber crowded, off of Bourbon street that was recommended by our waitress.  One thing about NOLA is that the drinks are very stiff!  After our one drink we walked around, got some drinks and walked up and down Bourbon street (it had to be done).  When Joe bought some cigars the bouncer offered him some fine coke :P  We stayed out till about 1am and by that time Bourbon street had become a mass of people, we hit up our off the main street bar for a nightcap and called it a night before things got too crazy.  
The next day we got up kinda early and it was wonderful, watching the city wake up.  We walked down to Cafe Du Monde and got coffee and beignets, sat on the steps across from Jackson Square and watched the city!
We walked around, ate good food, enjoyed the street music and performers before wandering back for a nap.  Night two we left the French Quarter and walked over to a more "local" spot where each place had it's own music....jazz, blues....all amazing!  At dinner we ended up having a good laugh with some ladies at the table next to us!  One thing about NOLA is that people are friendly and happy... one can't enjoy themselves.  We had somewhat of a early night due to having to drive home the next day.
We got up early again and got our coffee, sat on the steps...again a beautiful morning.  We took a horse carriage ride through the French Quarter and to St Louis Cemetery #1 (you have to go in with a guide now due to people messing with the tombs).
After that wonderful tour, our guide was born in the French Quarter so he had a lot of good stories and info, we had to check out and head out.  We drove around the Garden District to check it out and walked through Lafayette Cemetery (no guide needed).  Then it was back to reality and being adults :( ugh
We will be going back!  We both loved NOLA, the people, the vitality, and the food!  Goodness....the food was amazing!

So that trip was definitely a high :)

While we were gone we took Sami to boarding and when we picked her up, her DM has progressed.  I think it was a combo of her being over stimulated and more activity than usual but after a few days of rest it's gotten bad.  She's struggling but she can still get up after some work and her walks are a lot shorter.  My heart breaks whenever I walk her now :(  I have another appointment made for her in another week and we'll talk about options.  I've cried so much for her but I am also appreciating our time with her, she's getting extra treats :P  We are having a new "normal" with her. There are times where I feel that she is depressed and her vibe saddens me, it's like she's confused as to why her body isn't working like it should...her back legs are failing her.  I feel useless at times, I don't know what to far I'll allow her to progress before I call it.  Her spirit is still there, at times, but other times :(  We will see how things go...but I don't think I'll be boarding her again.  I told my friend Amanda about Sami and she told me "I know you will be faced with some very hard decisions soon, but Sami has been loved to the moon and back in her precious little life."  I need to keep thoughts like close to my heart!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...