Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November in Flip Flops

We still keep our sliding door open, the weather is awesome here in Florida!  It gets chilly every now and then, chilly to where I have to wear socks and shoes :P but nothing less than a hoodie is needed :D  

The last few weekends, one of us has worked a day...either myself or Joe.  When we do have days on the weekend together we like to get out and about.  The other weekend we went and checked out Eglin AFB (Joe needed to check out the clothing sales there).  We stopped at a neat Irish pub for lunch and then headed to the base.  It was a beautiful drive along the coast.  I learned something new about Eglin, they have this huge hanger that they can make extreme weather conditions to test planes, vehicles, weapons..... anything really.  It's really cool!

Mom and Dad came for a visit and had planned on staying with us for a long weekend but due to other circumstances only stayed one night with us. Hopefully we'll meet up again soon. We took them to a beautiful place on the water for dinner and made sure to cue up a colorful sunset for them ;)

Some days we have a relaxing time out and will stop at random places. One weekend it was overcast but we stopped and had drinks at a nice little place on the water.  There were some surfers for a little bit.  It was so peaceful!
The ocean is so relaxing to me.  I am truly blessed to live this close to the water.

This past weekend was a big car show.  We only went to one day of it but all the old cars were amazing to look at!  One guy let me sit in his car that he put together.  He had amazing random things on his car.  He had lights from WWII that flyers used to send out emergency signals if they needed to. All the little things he had on the car...I could look at it for hours.
Our Veteran's Day was amazing.  We didn't go to any of the restaurants that give the free food.  Neither one of us is a big fan of that craziness.  We have found a favorite bar/restaurant that serves great Cajun food.  We went there for lunch, had a couple of drinks, and then met up with one of Joe's friends that is military.  Had a couple of drinks outside enjoying a little hole in the wall place before going to a place on the water.  While sitting outside we saw numerous dolphins out in the water and had a gorgeous sunset.  Another military member, retired, showed up and I couldn't think of a better relaxing veterans day.  I spent it with good military members, having a few drinks, and enjoying a beautiful day!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...