Monday, July 23, 2012

A Year Ago....

A year ago (yesterday) I gave a man with patience and persistence a green light to step forward and take our friendship to a relationship.  It's been one of my best decisions.

Shane and I knew each other when I first lived in Utah, as a matter of fact I had to "interview" with him to get a set of 6 months of orders to work with TMO.  After a few "hang outs" and drinks he informed I was "hired" cuz I was on time and cute. As much as that comment irritated yet flattered me, by this time he also realized I was a kick ass worker ;) Through the grapevine I heard that Shane had a "thing" for me, which I blew off for the simple reason I did not see him in that light.  He wasn't my type (whatever that was) and in all honesty I was still broke from my previous string of not so good relationships and still dating/screwing around with men/boys that were not helping.  We stayed acquaintances over the years, even during my move to Hawaii there would be a random email but nothing substantial.  

In Hawaii, I did a good amount of self work and ended up back in Utah.  Shane and I touched base and we began to hang out.  I was very adamant that I needed friends, and wasn't too excited to be in a relationship.  I was still focusing on getting on my feet, I started in a master's program, and was getting my own place.  Shane was patient, but made it clear that he wanted more our of relationship but respected my boundaries (which was amazing thing from a guy).  

And then a trip to Moab with Amanda and Dave.  Even though Shane was still in friend zone at this point I knew I was going to give him a try ;)

With Shane it has been easy and relaxing.  Don't know if it's due to the friendship foundation that we built before hand but we still sit around and chit chat about whatever.  Sometimes it's serious and other times it's just silly.  We are really good at being lazy together but we also have enough similar likes that we can go out and have a good time.  He surprises me regularly with his thoughtfulness and consideration.  He respects my Independence and smiles when I struggle to stand back and let him open the door for me.  When there is talk of a future together, my heart doesn't stop due to being petrified, but a smile reaches my lips and I don't stress about how things will play out.  I don't see myself as an overly romantic type of person but the look in his eyes brings me a calmness and a excitement all at once.

He has a strength of mind and body and surprises me.  Once he commits to something he's doing it.  I was impressed with his commitment that he put into P90x until the person he borrowed it from wanted it back.  I got a bonus of the physical outcome of this commitment :)  

I can't recall the last time I could relax with a guy and not worry about everything.  That independence part of me wants to know everything that is going on, be apart of planning, make sure the ducks are lined properly but I trust Shane and I can actually sit back and let go of the reins.  He has surprised me with a couple of trips and I just go with it and it feels weird not planning everything, making sure things are done, but at the same time it's absolutely wonderful!

He likes to tease and say "Look at all you've been missing since you waited to give me the green light"

and I honestly say "I wasn't ready for you"

This past year has flown by, granted we have both been busy busy, but in all it's craziness our relationship has maintained, flourished and our love has gotten stronger cuz we talk and are considerate of each other.   

I give up my apartment in a couple of weeks and I'll be moved in completely with Shane.  He teases me about me dragging my feet on this commitment but he also realizes that my apartment was in a great location for city fun!  I might have dragged my feet in the beginning cuz I wanted to keep something as "back up" but now, well my lazy ass doesn't want to deal with it.  I need to head down there today, on my day off to deal with it!  

So a new chapter starts in our story....

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