This is my bedroom at around 9am (yep I slept in today). Not sure if I wasn't too blasted by the morning sun or I'm getting better at the avoidance but either way I feel like I won this morning. You may be thinking "why don't you close your blinds?!" to which I point out I HAVE NO A/C and any breeze that I can get I'm going to utilize but come 7am I'm scooting this way and that way so I am not cooking in my own bed. Sometimes I got some clouds that play defense but other times, it's useless and I have to get up. Which isn't bad, it just means a nap is in my future :)
I usually have pics from my holidays but nothing from this last 4th :( but it was a busy weekend! Friday night started at the Green Pig for a pretty good blues band and some killer nachos :D Then we closed down the Tavernacle before heading home and chit chatting till 530 am! I was up the next morning, or later that day at 730 due to my game of tag. I lost :( Oh well, misery loves company and I woke up my couch guest by making coffee and we slowly woke up with our java talking some more until he left. Needless to say that was a lazy day but that evening it was off to Wiseguy's with the girls! Good show, good company, good drinks, and good greasy club food. After the show we went off to the Green Pig for a few more drinks and as it turned out some good ol' eye candy! YUM. Sunday came and I packed a bag and headed over to the Brown's. Once I got there we packed a cooler of snacky snacks, some adult beverages disguised as tea and lemonade and off to the pool. It was a wonderful, lazy day. Monday, the 4th, the Brown's had a few folks over and we hung out, ate, and drank for a nice day.
I did notice that 4 days of drinking, not so good for me. By Monday I started to feel the looming meh/funk but I soldiered on and it's all good!
Regardless of the meh/funk weekend hangover I had a great weekend! The joy of living downtown, I can and did walk everywhere Friday night:)
I had a good week doing week 1 of my 2 week annual tour. I worked on briefings and next week...well it's inventory time in a hanger. Can you say hot and sweaty?! It's good for the soul right, a good sweaty purge! LOL The great thing about doing my days is they do 10 hr days and are off on Friday :) That's the best schedule EVER! Yesterday I was productive and did some major cleaning and now my weekend is free for fun and whatevers!
So, last night I was suppose to meet a past coworker for dinner, drinks, and catch up but due to other things we rescheduled. No worries, my friend came down and we had dinner and a movie. Went and saw Horrible Bosses, GREAT movie. Well, maybe I liked it cuz I really don't like my current job but it was funny! Came back here and chit chatted till 2ish again. Tonight I got the Kenny Chesney concert and then maybe tomorrow the Avett Brothers at the galavan center!
Yep, life is good!
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