Saturday, March 05, 2011

Furniture Assembly

Alright here's the deal.  When I moved into my cute little apartment I moved with no furniture.  I have a built in kitchen table which is being used for a computer desk as of right now.  I really don't need that much room to eat, and my dinner guest have been limited to one at a time.  I have an air mattress with a cushy top, along with a down mattress top so it wasn't unbearable.
Well, Ikea is in town and they have some "easy to put together" in my price range furniture.  So I get to shopping.
Last week while Mom was here I had my couch delivered.  That was put together in a short amount of time, I would say less than two hours.  Mom had a new bed to sleep on and I now had somewhere to sit in my living room besides a yoga mat.  The other things I wanted to buy during our Ikea venture: mattress, bed, dresser... were not available but the guy said we could probably get them ordered online.  Good enough!

We didn't make it to Ikea the day I wanted for shopping but ended up at Trolley Square and I saw a lovely bed frame, so no Ikea bed frame... but the way I look at it you cannot be stingy when it comes to how your bed looks or feels right?!

Anyhoo.... last night my mattress and dressers were delivered.  WHOOHOO  It's Friday night and I'm FINALLY going to get my clothing in dressers and off of cardboard boxes.  AND I get to sleep on a actual mattress.

I make room for dresser assembly which means moving all my clothes on my couch (which already had folded laundry on it) and onto my packaged covered mattress.
Time for business.  Open the dressers and check out the instructions and this is what I need:

Notice how the little dude is smiling? Not a lot of that going on in this house hold.  Being the "badass wahine" that a friend said I am, I had these tools in my tool box :)  
So it's time to get down to business.  But there are a lot of screws and apparently my Phillip's head was stripped so it was no good....hmmm 
Ah HA my cordless screw driver.  So this is the new requirements....
Or course my life isn't that easy and both batteries are pretty much dead.  I try charging and I'm worried that they batteries are dead dead.  On the charger it has picture explanations for the red light.  Long blink = charging, steady red = charged, fast blinks = dead dead.
I haven't charged or used this thing in well over 4 years so I had no idea what was considered a long "blink".  
I was starting to feel defeated and frustrated.
When I looked at my apartment this is what I saw:

This is box 1 of 2 open and splayed out, noticed the mattress (yes it's under the clothes and dresser parts) still in it's original packaging.  

My lovely couch, also covered in discarded bedding and clothing.  SO even if I wanted to give this adventure a good nights rest,  and tackle the dresser assembly in the morning... I would have to figure out where to put all my freakn' stuff cuz I would have to sleep somewhere.
Hmmm and I don't like giving up....

So I mess around on FB, IM with some folks, who so gallantly say they would put together my dressers if they were here (thanks but THAT'S NO FKN' HELP, even though the thought of one of them doing it without his shirt was a nice mental break ;), and text with other people.  I would go and look at my rooms and feel frustrated, defeated, and just tired all over again.  

But wait the fast or not so fast blinking light is now a stable red! 
Time to show this dresser who is the boss!
A couple of hours later:

And just a little bit longer:

I am woman with power tools! Hear me ROAR!

I cleaned off my bed, unwrapped it, made it and had a wonderful sleep on my mattress!  BUT I woke up at 5am :( So I wrote this.  

Today I get to tackle another dresser but it's smaller AND I got this down!

On Monday my bed frame is getting delivered but they are putting it together themselves AND taking away all the packaging! WOOT 

Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll noticed this stack and take it too?!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...