Friday, November 19, 2010

So far so good...

Well, I've been at my new job for 2 weeks now.  Today I fly out to OK to have Thanksgiving with the family :D  So everything that I've learned at my new job will be forgotten! hahaha
Commuting to work is tiring but since I don't have to work till 9 I've gotten into the habit this last week of taking care of stuff before work.  I'll work out for about 30 minutes, and one morning went to the tailors (run by some cute Italians), and dropped by guard unit to take care of some stuff and STILL was to work early!  Just like any other city, driver's are special but I just practice being zen, blaring music and not getting upset about it.  THEY don't know they are irritating the crap out of me with their lack of driving skills so why should I fester over them?!  Driving to work in the morning is interesting and at times enjoyable to me.  I drive right through downtown and under the eagle gate.  I get to see the capitol every day and the other day I was looking for a short cut and drove all around the capitol.  It's a very pretty building.  The buildings downtown are neat cuz they are not all the same.  They have kept some of the older building that have a lot of character.  I look foward to living in the area, walking around and really appreciating the city.  The last few times driving home the sky has been a vibrant pink, and the way it lays on the mountains... beautiful!  But then I'm in grid lock traffic on the I-15 and I have to turn up the tunes to keep from getting pissy.
Work is work.  Everyone seems really nice but everyone has their hang ups, and I'm no different.  I work in a specialty clinic so we have our set of patients that come in on the regular, call on the regular, and... well some are just special (even the providers say so!).  It's a lot of little things to be aware of and these past couple of weeks I've gone home mentally drained.  It's a whole new field of medicine for me, and I need to look into it more for a better understanding with the medications etc.  If I'm going to be around this stuff daily I want to be as educated as I can so I can give our patients the best care and information.  We have the drug reps that come in on the regular, and they bring lunch (thus I need to stay on top of the working out thing).  We get everything from Cheesecake Factory to Chilli's.  I'm trying to be good and usually opt for the vegetarian meal, they usually bring a few.  Every time I do I get asked "are you vegetarian",  and I reply, "no, but I try to be healthy so if I have the option I'm going to try it".  Chilli's has an excellent black bean veggie burger by the way!  One day I'll make that complete leap but for now... I still crave my In-&-Out! 
Pretty much all the girls that I work with have been born and bred here in Utah.  One girl actually lived in Seattle for a little bit but she's changing jobs in the new year.  Our lunch conversations have been interesting.  One day we'll talk about funny names for kids, the percentage of females that will have fake boobs in the future, shows we watch on t.v., and of course we have the home party stuff for sell...this week we had someone bring in some Scentsy stuff.  I have my own dealer on that stuff so I didn't partake :P  Anyhoo...pretty clean cut type of conversations.  I'll put in my two scents but I'm definatly the odd man out.  Everyone there is married, some have kids but not all of them.  So here I am single, divorced even, and no kids.  Regardless I'm happy and I enjoy my coworkers.  I'm still getting a feel for the doctors and the P.A.'s and they all seem pretty nice.

this is what I see every day driving to work :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...