Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy time but lovin' it

Things have been going wonderfully :D  No, I don't have a full time job yet but that may just be around the next corner!

The other weekend I went with my friend to Lake Powell.  It was a great 3 days :D
view from our campsite


did a little hiking

a lot of time on the boat

beautiful canyons!

they did some hiking too!

I've also been going on dates! Not only am I getting to know some great people I am getting to see more and more of SLC and yesterday evening I was up in Park City.  We did some hiking and then hit the Red Rock Brewing Co.  for some more good conversation and some awesome food.  The more I see and do, the more I am enjoying the area.  Tonight it's dinner with the girls and a haunted house!

Life is good :D

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