Saturday, June 05, 2010

Not much today

30 May 2010

Today was a sort of slow day.  Mom and I went and picked up Dad.  He’s here for a couple of weeks.  When then stopped at Honey’s and picked up the girls and headed over to the Nyander’s house.  Grandma Nyander’s nieces are also visiting.  I met them a few years back at a funeral so it’s nice to see them on better terms.

One thing that I did hear but have heard before is that Great Grandma and Grandpa Nyander’s floor was made out of wood from a dance hall where Grand Lake is today.  I guess it was a dance hall they would go to a lot and when they were tearing it down due to the lake being made, they hauled off the wood floor and used it for their floor.  Their house is still standing and Mom and Dad may be staying there until they find a house to buy out here.  It’s right next to Grandma and Grandpa Nyander’s place. 

Today was pretty uneventful.  

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