Monday, April 05, 2010

Summer Palace

Today's field trip was to Kamehameha III's summer palace off of the old Pali drive.  It was a rainy morning and I was secretly hoping that it would be canceled.  It wasn't and I went.  Once the group was assembled (it was a lot smaller than yesterday's), we got some history on the place before going to the palace.  Our guide held a machete while he talked to us, a little odd but you just go with it and surprising enough there weren't a lot of questions :P
After standing around getting a slight history while it rained off and on we were off.  We went up to the guides truck and collected more gardening tools and then we ducked into the woods.  Again, if you didn't know it was there.... you'd miss it.

Parked on the side of Old Pali Dr.                   

Walking toward the "entrance"

We walked through forest of bamboo so thick it was blocking the sunlight.  It was awesome and so beautiful!

              The Summer Palace of kings and queens of Hawaii :D

 I would have taken more pictures but it rained so hard on us that we ended the morning early.  We were all drenched and I was cold to my bones.  I came home and had a long hot shower to try and warm up.  It's been raining all day :(  I may try to go back when it's sunny to spend some more time there.  It's peaceful and very beautiful with all the bamboo.  

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