Wednesday, April 07, 2010


The other day riding the bus home I saw a man get off of the bus, walk directly to the bushes and take a piss... this was also in the middle of the day!  I've seen more people pee in public in this city!!!!

I hate social statistics.  I have to take a test either today or tomorrow (it's online) and just thinking of it makes me sick :(

Told my military boss that I would be moving... it's sucky for him cuz he has just lost all his technicians in a matter of months :(  Things will work out, but I'm not looking forward to drill... who knows how many times I'll have to explain my reason for moving :P

My to do list keeps growing, the hours of the day keep flying by (blogging probably is a waste of time.... but whatever).

Why is it when you're not in the "mood" all the radio stations are hell bent on playing love songs?  Really?!  Is that necessary?!

Mentally trying to figure out how and what I'll be getting rid of is tiring in itself!  I just need to make it to mid May!!!!

O.k., after rereading this I need to get away from the negative.... it's all about perspective right?!  Let's see...

Social statistics is challenging but when I pass the test (which I always do) I feel accomplished (and amazed).

Even though my military boss will be without technicians, the world will continue to turn, the medical group will still function as it did before, and everything will work out for him.  My next drill will be full of interesting conversations... plus we'll be talking about the Alaska trip :D

Taking my to do's step by step I am getting things done.  I just need to focus on what is in front of me and what I can deal with at that time.... and everything will fall into place!

The world is filled with love and good people, and I'm just in a time out so I can focus on the task of moving and school work.  Having a love interest (as nice as that is) IS a distraction from thing that I need to accomplish.

I need to mentally take a time out a few times a day so I can be refreshed and refocused (thus the blogging :P

I have great things that are happening that I can look forward to: finishing my degree, Alaska, moving and starting a new chapter in my life, INDIA!!!!  now about that job thing ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...