Sunday, April 11, 2010

Break from school work

For a mental break I'd figure I'd blog.  Yesterday I went and worked in a taro patch.  Taro is what poi is made out of.  It was a beautiful morning, of course :D

We started the usual way, standing in a circle and getting educated about the place.  We also start with a chant in that we thank the ancestors and also ask for help and guidance in our activities.  We were split up into two groups.  One group focused on the clearing out marshlands and my group was working in the taro patches.
Notice the nice rows and the water?  They are grown similar to rice.  We worked at "de-weeding" some taro patches to where you could barely tell they were taro patches.  The guy informed us to keep our shoes on due to glass.  The first patch we worked in was muddy but not watery, so no worries.  The next  patch was watery and extremely overgrown.  We took our shoes off.  We had little fishes nibbling at our feet and we came across a crawfish!  At that point I tried to keep my feet above the water :P  Plus there were a lot of creepy crawlies in the water and mud.  Made for interesting weeding.  I worked with some other students in my class.  The conversation flowed and it was a good morning.

It was a good morning of hard work and I needed it to take my mind off of some stuff that was just lingering and I was having a problem shaking.  Exhausted from the morning I was scheduled to meet with my statistics teacher at 2 to go over some issues I had with the last test (I didn't do too well).  Well, she never showed and I called her and left a message.  I was just physically tired and at this point just emotionally drained.  I was also going to do a field trip this morning (sunday) cuz I need the hours... but I'll get to that a minute.
After a long saturday morning, asked if I wanted to hang out.  I wasn't too stoked on driving out there but I knew I needed a mental break from everything so I headed out.  We ended up going bowling with a group of folks.  It was fun and we were there till the place closed.  Actually we were there finishing our game till after 1am :)  Good group of folks, and it was just what I needed to be able to refocus on school work.
Driving home this morning I checked my email and I saw that the field trip that was scheduled for this morning was canceled!  Now I don't feel so guilty for skipping out, WOOT!  I love when the universe helps me out!  I just have to remember to relax, breathe, and not overly stress.
It was so good to get out, not think of school, and get a good cuddle.
Now it's school work, papers, I have a test tomorrow.... one thing at a time!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...