Friday, January 01, 2010

HELLO 2010!

I feel good about this year :D I don't recall having this positive feel good feeling about a new year before! WOOT!

Yesterday was a lazy day and Shan couldn't find a place to where she could park over night so I drove up to the North Shore to pick her up. I was planning on swapping cars back with the folks and Mom is flying out tonight for Utah (I'm jealous). Anyhoo.... once she showed up at the parents house we heading back to town. I straightened my hair and we were off! We walked down to Waikiki and stopped at Planet Hollywood for some cheeseburgers and festive drinks. We managed to score a seat outside that was just perfect SO we could enjoy the wonderful weather and watch everyone walk past. When I went to go grab some money, the heavens opened up and it down poured for about all of 15 minutes ;) We then walked to the beach and then doubled back and ended up at Kelley O'Neil's since they didn't have a cover AND they had an awesome live band. We had a few drinks, enjoyed the music, talked with some folks and then stepped outside to get some fresh air. We decided to hoof it back to the apartment and hang out on the roof to watch the fireworks. Awesome view but it was so smokey from all the fireworks. It was amazing how much smoke was in the air, my chest was tight due to all the stuff in the air and my eyes began to hurt :( Overall it was a nice, laid back easy going New Year's. Actually stayed up till 2 :P
Oh, while I was at Mom and Dad's waiting on Shan to show up I saw a gorgeous rainbow that was almost a double rainbow. At that moment I knew that it was going to be a good year!

Today was a lazy day... of course! We walked over to the mall and checked out this wonderful bakery and got some wonderful food and then walked around the mall. Of course we stopped at Lush and Shan stocked up on soap (they are having a great deal) and then we just wandered. As we were walking past the Betsey Johnson store I decided to check it out...the cloths always looked so fun, and of course they were having a major discount. This was my first time in the store and they have the CUTEST cloths but a wee bit out of my price range. Well, we were just checking out stuff and they had a 75% rack and there was one of this dress, black with purple flowers, spaghetti straps... I pulled it off the rack and Shan was like "that is you", the sales lady (who was awesome) was like "try it on" I hesitated but it was a really cute dress so I tried it on. I stepped out and the look on Shan's face was enough, "you HAVE to buy that". It fit perfectly! Now I need a place to wear it, and I need to really watch my spending. The original price was $358, I paid $93.72!!!!!! WOOT doesn't even cover it :D
We hung out and BS'd some more before heading back to the north shore and then I decided to drive the long way home. I breathed in the soft fresh air! I would get smells that went from salt water, bbq, garlic shrimp.... ah the smells of the island :) Nice and relaxing. Needless to say I was craving some garlic shrimp so when I got home I walked across the street to see what my options were. I got some garlic shrimp which was... pretty bad :( BUT the garlic fries were YUMMY! Now it's lazy T.V. time :) Tomorrow it's back to the school work thing...

Almost a perfect first day of the new year!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...