Saturday, January 16, 2010


I'm not one to put a lot into these astrology charts but this one made me chuckle. I picked up the Honolulu Weekly yesterday before class and was glancing through it and this is what it had for me:

I like it best when the creek that runs near my home is wide and deep. It gets that way at high tide, when the moon shepherds in a surge of water from the bay. As I gaze out at the swollen cascade, I feel full and fertile; everything's right with the world. Inevitably, though, the tide goes out and the flow turns meek and narrow. Then my mood is less likely to soar. A slight melancholy may creep in. But I've learned to love that state, too -- to derive a quiet joy from surveying the muddy banks where the water once ran, the muck imprinted with tracks of egrets and ducks. Besides, I know it's only a matter of time before the tide shifts and the cascade returns. Enjoy your own personal version of the low-tide phase, Leo. High tide will be coming back your way soon.

I am defiantly in a low tide period.... I'm going to sit back, enjoy the show, appreciate the now, and breathe :) It's all going to be just fine.

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Life is work!

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