Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Waiting on grades to post....

I HATE the wait for grades to post. I believe they say two weeks, but I check daily... still nothing.

I meant to mention this book yesterday but forgot, so I'm going to today :) Bolohead Row by Chris McKinney is a good fast read. He writes about the "real" Hawaii. I say "real" because he goes behind the touristy stuff and talks about what all cities have, an ugly underbelly with people who are struggling, are getting caught up in bad things, the drugs, and the illegal stuff that goes on. Reading his books is more personal because I know the places that he talks about, I can visualize the areas that he writes about. In Bolohead Row he even mentions the school that I go to downtown! When people go on vacations they tend to look past the poverty and the homeless. People come to Hawaii and see the beautiful island, which it is, but it has a lot of ugliness too. Going to school in town I walk past homeless and meth addicts every day, I'm a few blocks away from where the drive by murders happened in Chinatown. So, yes... even paradise has it's ugly spots just like any big city and McKinney talks about it in his books. His other book that I read, The Tattoo, is rumored to be made into a motion picture but I couldn't find any info on that :( So if you have some book reading time this summer, pick one of his books up.

Talking about struggling people in Hawaii, I've been trying to figure out a budget for Seanny and I and it sucks :( First off I hate math, second of all as everyone knows it's expensive out here. ARGH.... I HATE DEBT

Sometimes being a responsible adult sucks!

Tomorrow I get to put on my monkey suit (military uniform) and go shoot an M-16. I am not too excited about this. I even have to shoot in my gas mask but that actually helps me focus more. To make things interesting, this is going to be computerized?! So I don't know how this is going to work out, I keep thinking about the old school duck hunt game with the gun :P I guess we'll see how it goes....

On to better news, Seanny had a nice first day of work! His commute to work is a breeze on his scooter, and coming home takes a little less than an hour. The first day was full of paperwork and meeting everyone and there are a handful of east coast folks that he works with. Seanny did mention that the laid back work attitude was a little weird to him, everyone kept telling him "not to worry about it" when he asked questions about work. So job looks good, so now we just need to find ourselves a place to live so we can cut down on the commute!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...