Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day at Punchbowl

On Sunday Seanny and I met up with our riding buddies and then a group of bikers to make the drive up to Punchbowl. The plan we heard of at first was to drive through Waikiki and then up to Punchbowl but I guess the cops are cracking down on makeshift parades (running red lights). There was a big group of us and we did stop traffic. We had biker "road guards" they would hangout in the intersections making sure traffic would stop and our whole group would make it through. It was neat and at times a little scary cuz once we were through the intersection the "road guards" would have to zoom on up to the front of the line again.
Once we got to Punchbowl we parked and a small group of us headed to the steps, which was pretty much behind the whole ceremony so we felt like everyone was looking at us the whole time ;) But in previous years they would have a helicopter fly over and it would fly directly over our head so that was the "coolest place to be" with the best view. As with all military type functions there were a couple of guest speakers, then some traditional Vietnamese singing, which was neat, and since we are in Hawaii... we had a hula too. We lit a candle in remembrance for all that have given their all and for those that are still fighting. Taps was played and then the fly over. It wasn't what I had expected but it was cool never the less (I was hoping for a Huey). The pictures didn't come out all that great of the helicopter but you can definitely be appreciative of the row of bikes :)
After the ceremony we heading down to the regular meeting area and we had dinner, and they also had give away prizes, and a raffle (the usual things to end a run). We stayed long enough to eat, have a couple of drinks, and good conversation then we headed home.
It was a good day and Seanny and I did a lot of riding. That morning we actually rode to town to go to church. It was a nice ride, and it worked out great cuz of the limited parking at the church. When we got there an older man helped Seanny out and gave him a "bump" to help him over this hill. After the service we found out this man was 98 YEARS OLD! After the service they were having a spaghetti luncheon to raise some money so we hung out and we were able to talk with the minister who is leaving :( but is a biker and he told us some funny and cool stories. We both enjoyed the church and everyone was nice so we'll probably go back. By the time we made it back home it was around 1:30 and we sat around chit chatting with Mom and before we knew it, it was going on 2. We laid down for a quick nap because we were planning to meed up with our friends around 3:30 or 4 at the latest to head up to Punchbowl.
It was a good day of remembrance, friends, family, and riding :D

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