Monday, May 25, 2009

Kitchen Renovations (pics)

Mom and Dad are planning on having a deck built around the house. Unfortunately, things are never that easy around here. Apparently when the previous owners redid the windows that took out some major support structures of the house and you could visible see the walls of the house bow outwards. The guy that was coming out to do the deck and possibly the roof noticed this and was like "WOAH, we got to fix that before the whole house collapses". So he's been strengthening the walls, but to strengthen the back wall where the kitchen is.... well the kitchen cabinets and stuff would have to be moved. Mom and Dad were planning on getting new cabinets anyway so.... the time had come to redo the kitchen. Below are some pics of the work. I don't have the best "before" pic, but you can get the idea.

This is when I first moved in:

The counter was ripped out

The sink

The new wall

TA DA! New Cabinets

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Life is work!

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