Monday, March 16, 2009

Antibiotics are not good in our food!

I already have been exposed to this topic last year in reading Omnivore's Delima. I would like to point out that this is a great book, although hard to read (I'm still trying to finish it).
Well, today in my reading of the Star Bulletin (a daily requirement for my politics class) I was skimming the commentary section when I saw an article on pretty much the same thing. Antibiotics are being pumped into cows, chickens, and pigs so that they can be crammed in close quarters and bulked up for our eating pleasure. These animals have to be given antibiotics so they don't die from the horrible living conditions. They are crammed into small spaces, no roaming allowed (there is no room), they are being fed food that is not their normal diet (cows are feed CORN, last time I check cows eat grass right?!).... we are forcing this animals to live unnaturally so we can keep producing mass amounts of meat! Don't get me wrong, I like a steak just like the next gal but I want real steak, with out the antibiotics and corn!
Think about, when the doc gives you antibiotics of any type they tell you "finish this all as directed" one of the reasons for this is when you have a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics and you only take half of the pills given for whatever reason you can strengthen these "bugs" to be drug resistant. We already have certain "bugs" that are become drug resistant, TB to name just one. We have enough problems with drug resistant bugs that humans create now we have to keep an eye on MRSA (an antiobiotic resistant staph infection) in pork.
According to this article Pathogens in Our Pork 70% of all antibiotics are added to animal feed in the U.S.!!!!
HELLO AMERICA we are given more drugs to our livestock than helping our brothers. We are kicking people out of emergency rooms because they don't have healthcare coverage, tent cities of homeless are popping up in certain cities and we are making sure our FOOD doesn't get sick due to living conditions we create!

That's my rant for the day. Read the article, it's good and to the point.
Things that make you go hmmmm!

On a better note, tomorrow is St. Patrick's day. As I type this my man is getting is gear ready for tomorrow's festivities with some Flogging Molly playing. I will be posting pictures of the fun that will be had :D

"I only drink on two occasions - When I am thirsty and when I'm not thirsty."
- Brendan Behan

When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to Heaven. So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven.

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