Tuesday, February 03, 2009

V8 and NPR

Starting last week I started to listen to NPR during my commute to school. If that wasn't weird enough of me, I skipped my morning best spam/egg musubi for a can of V8 juice!!! Who am I?!
Is it cuz of my politics class that requires me to read the paper everyday along with some books about Islam? Granted I've always had some desire to have a better understanding of politics, but it always seemed liked this big enigma that caused me to be hesitant. People are so passionate about their politics and I always let them go on about their ideas cuz I don't feel as though I have a good understanding of things. I still don't but at least I'm asking questions.
I'm not going to give this change in me to this "politics" teacher I have but I think it's a perfect storm sort of thing. When I moved out to Hawaii about a year ago I decided to be more earth friendly. I got some books and paid attention to things that effect our environment. Then with most of my classes and one of the things that HPU wants their students to understand is globalization. We had to read "Omnivore's Delima" which was and is interesting (I'm still trying to finish it-it's a hard read). So yes, a college education can do a mind good (even though I still have spelling issues haha). I say "can" cuz this semester I have some questions about some of the teachers I have...
And then.... There is my Seanny :D I love that when I have questions about politics or anything really, we have a good stimulating conversation. The main thing is that I don't feel stupid and he lets me explore different ideas and views. He is definitely part of, if not a big part of me becoming a better person :)

sent from iPhone

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