Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time to kill....

My next semester doesn't start until 19 January, so I got some free time on my hands :) Which is a total mixed blessing. My finals went o.k. on Thursday but mother nature decided that my anthropology class wasn't that important! We had mega rains that induced flooding of the North Shore. I tried to drive to school that Thursday morning but it didn't happen and I was on house lock down till about 1:30. At that time the sun broke free and I make it to my history and economics finals. YEAH :P
Friday and Saturday I had work with the HIANG. Friday was an extremely tiring day and I pretty much came home and passed out. Saturday was less tiring, but full of the sit around and wait game followed by our Xmas party which turned out better than expected. Once we did the present exchange I was out of there and on my way home.
Since then I've been lazy and not so sure what to do with myself. Trying to find things to do that cost little to 0 money. On Wednesday Seanny and I checked out the world renown Oahu swap meet at the stadium. We walked around found some things for his friends, my Mom, and a nice sign for Seanny (the previous post), and Seanny picked out a dress for me :) Afterwords we went by HPU cuz I had some billing questions, had a lunch of sushi, and then walked around China town for a bit before coming home. Today was a lazy day. I need to finish cleaning our room. We did laundry the other day but that is where the "cleaning" stopped :(
I can't believe this year is just about over!!!! I was looking at my past post and my resolutions that I wrote down for '08, I kept most of them ;) I think it's also hard for me to wrap my head around the end of another year cuz I'm in Hawaii, without the seasonal changes.... I have to remind myself on a regular basis that it's DECEMBER and I'm running around in t-shirts, shorts, and slippas! :)
I know life is hard!
My grades haven't posted for the past semester as of yet, but as soon as they do I'll post them here.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...