Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lazy laundry sunday

It's my Mom's birthday :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM ;) Seanny and I got her a handful of mermaid stuff and while we were walking around we saw some more stuff that would be good for Xmas! Hopefully that stuff will still be there.
Not much going on. Seanny and I went and saw "Twilight" last night. I wasn't overly impressed but I wasn't expecting "Interview With A Vampire" either. I had different visions in my head when it came to certain things from the book, and it was different in the movie...but that's how it goes with books and movies. Granted "Interview" was just KICK ASS. Plus I think they crammed like the first two Twilight books into one movie so it seemed to me a lot was left out that was essential to the books. wasn't horrible.
Seanny had his interview on Friday and he feels good about it. When he mentioned he felt a little out of place with the good looking GQ Brits and the model receptionist in this beautiful building, I just told him that they needed a token biker dude up there ;) He'll be fine there and I hope he gets the job, it sounds like it will be challenging and that's always good with jobs. PLUS it's right down the street from my school! Can you say lunch dates? :P After the interview we crossed the street to the Aloha Tower and had drinks and good food at Gordon Biersch (I had a pomegranate mojito...yummy). It's right on the water, it so beautiful here. Then Seanny had to get out of his shirt and tie and then we headed over to a different Irish pub, O'Toole's (it's across the street from where we had lunch one day at O'Malley's) to check it out. We were on a mission to find some decent live music, but the band didn't start there till 9 and I wasn't in my pub/live band/comfortable clothes so we decided not to hang out that long. So, we had a couple of drinks and then I shot a text out to Shan and Allison seeing if they wanted to meet up later at Breakers for drinks. Up until this point, Seanny has not met any of my soap factory folks. We eventually made it out to Breakers in Haliewa and after some drinks and a Red Headed Slut a band got ready to play! I'm so glad that the band kicked ass! Seanny was so jonesing for some live music and I was a little worried it would be reggae. Nothing is wrong with reggae but sometimes that's just not what one wants to listen to! The band is called King of Spade and the lead singer, Rebel Girl, is AWESOME! Definitely going to keep and eye on that band!
Everyone seemed to like everyone :) Conversation flowed... well Allison kept asking Seanny questions about motorcycles, clubs etc. That got a little tiring and even her boyfriend Eric told her to chill with the questions. It started off cute then... not so much. Then again...she hasn't been around many "bikers" so she was curious about everything and I don't really blame her. It's like any group of people that one isn't associated with, we are curious about it. I mean, even being in the military if you aren't a part of it it seems like a whole another world. Most people have know clue that I.Y.A.Y.A.S, is a big how ya doing in the bomb dump world.
Anyhoo.. we both got pretty good and toasted that night but had a great time! That's been my first real drunk since I've been out here. I've been out for drinks with the girls but haven't gotten that good drunk to the point that I was just worn out the next day! Plus it rained nearly ALL day yesterday so the weather matched our hangovers. We eventually made it out and got some cute stuff for Mom. I already had a picture for her but then I kept seeing random mermaid stuff that I had to get.
Well, I feel as though there is some school work that I need to be doing so I need to figure out what that is.....
Only a few more weeks till this semester is over! WHOOHOO

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...