Saturday, May 03, 2008

I'm Tired

I think all my weird work hours have caught up with me, since I know I got 3 days off in a row! YEAH. Tomorrow I have a baby shower to go to. Suz was a student in one of my Dad's classes when he taught here last time they lived out here. She became an airline pilot and lives in Alaska now....big change, Hawaii to Alaska! Anyway, they got an email invited us to her baby shower. Well they didn't even know she was pregnant, so they don't know if she's married or anything. So we have to go get the scoop!
I also need to call my dental insurance folks and figure out why they canceled my coverage without saying so much as "boo" to me, but they sent me a new ID card last month...hmmmm The coverage was discontinued in March! Something that makes you go hmmm. Hopefully it's an easy fix due to the fact I got a dental apt on Monday! ARGH
Mom and I are talking about going to a Cingo de Mayo thing in town. They are going to have chihuahua fashion show! Nothing like dressing up a rat dog! We'll see if we make it. Mom already has a full schedule with Phoenix all day.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...