Thursday, April 24, 2008

Visit Utah

Well it looks like I'll be going back to Utah for about a week to say "hi" to everyone. Phoenix gets out of school on 5 June and instead of having Anna come out to get her son, I'm going to take him home soon after school lets out.
I'm excited to see everyone:) Not too excited for the traveling part, specially with the drama Mom had coming out here with Phoenix but I'm hoping things will go smoothly.
It will be nice to see the whole family too. I haven't seen Chris, Anna, and Angus since they were in Misery (aka Missouri). So it will be nice.
Work is going well. I did 2 batches of soap yesterday almost completely by myself. I did pour them:) Today is a split day of production and retail :( But it will be a good day! I'm doing some basic stuff today in production-melting down lip balms and cleaning up some stuff. Can't really get into a whole lot cuz I won't have a lot of time.
Well that's it, got to get ready to head out to work :(

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...