Sunday, December 17, 2017

Alaska Life

It's been an interesting week but that seems to be par for for the course here in Alaska.  The weather has been weird, so far not much of a winter but it's coming.  We had some warm weather, in the 40's and almost 50's, this past week which results in the packed down ice melting creating gargantuan pot holes!  They call that "break up" and it will be worse as we really get into winter and then with spring.  With the warm temps the snow is just hanging out in the mountains and it's hit or miss down in the valley.

This past Friday I had a pretty awesome experience.  I woke up in a mood and heading out to work.  It's always pitch black when I head out to work and it's pretty dark when I come home...we are only averaging a handful of daylight hours a day now.  Anyway, I'm driving out of our complex and I see a mama moose and her kid just laying there.  I was first shocked then slowed down, stopped right in front of them, rolled down my window and snapped a picture!  They are amazing creatures and their vibe is just peaceful and majestic.

It totally changed my mood around!
Before moving here people would tell us it's different.  We acknowledged that and when people would tell us how expensive things were up here I would compare it to Hawaii.  Alaska is out of the way of everything, pretty remote, and although it is connected to land and not an pretty much is another island of the U.S.  But living here there are other connections that I am seeing with Hawaii.
People in Alaska and Hawaii have a connection with the land.    You cannot live in either state without acknowledging the natural beauty of the land.  
In both states the land is respected and is a main focus of activities and life.  Yes, there are your plays and music but a lot of events are outside, even in the winter!  The people of the state have a long history of depending and working with the land to survive, one has to know and understand the nuances of the land for this to be done which results in respect and a deep connection.  
You can probably get this in some of the lower 48 states, farm belt, wine country.... I don't know.  All I know is that I've never noticed it as much except in HI and AK.  
Nature is a good reminder that this life is bigger than us as individuals.  
It needs to be respected and honored.  

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