Thursday, October 01, 2015

Clean eating

This coming week, Joe and I will be doing a 24-Day Challenge. Not any challenge but the Advocare one.  Now I've seen post about Advocare on my FB page from another friend, and Joe did the challenge last year in getting ready for his PT test.  He researched it and liked what he read, it's simple, and it helps you get back to eating healthy foods.  The goal is to do the challenge and then maintain the healthy eating.
Joe and I eat pretty well as it is, we keep things in moderation, but we do enjoy our wines and craft beers ;)  Now living in FL we have access to great seafood so that's a bonus from living in NC... a lot of fried foods :(  Joe's annual fitness test is coming up and I told him I'd do the challenge with him.  So he ordered two challenge packages and on Tuesday it's game on!  
I'm a little hesitant, not for the diet change but for the supplements that are part of the challenge and the cleanse.  I've done some reading on it and some people, mainly women of small frames, have some issues.  Which makes sense.  Most medications and supplements are "tested" on an adult male, so if one is a petite female..well, there could be issues.  I explained this to Joe and he understands where I'm coming from and I told him I will try it out and if my body seems to have a reaction then I'll cut back on some of the supplements and/or the energy drink.  
I am not a distributor of Advocare, Joe is, so I am gaining nothing by talking about it so I'll keep it real in regards to how things go for me.  I haven't weighed myself yet but just for a frame of reference I'm about 120 lbs, 5'3".  I'm not doing this to loose weight, but to get back on track with healthy eating and tone up.
From what I can tell the challenge has two major parts, and you can watch a video and read up on it here.  The first 10 days are the cleanse phase and then it's the "max phase".  It's a pretty strict schedule with taking/drinking stuff 30 minutes before eating. Now I am NOT good with this sort of schedule, planning ahead and doing something 30 minutes before or after I'm "scheduled" to eat. So I was happy to find that they have an app that will help you stay on schedule with these reminders.  Joe said he didn't like the app too much but he does good with the 30 min before eating thing, he's done it before so he's fine.  He uses a different health app to track his exercise and diet.  I'm going to use the Advocare app!  
So when you get the pack, it comes with a daily guide, which I'm assuming follows the app.  It has what you do every day, what type of food you should be eating, and a place to write down your physical activity.  
Now, normally when you do some sort of program like this, not that I have a lot of exposure, but most will give you a meal plan with actual menus/recipes to follow.  That's been my experience with the Beachbody work out programs.  With Advocare they give you food suggestions for proteins, vegetables, complex carbs, snacks, and what to limit or avoid.  This makes eating, in my mind, easier.  The recipes and menus tend to be complex, or you get a lot of food, and with just one or two people doing the challenge this opens the door to a lot of diversity in how we do these foods, and control in the amount of what to make.  Additionally the physical activity portion is all up to me.  If I want to run on the treadmill, or do one of my Beachbody programs I can do whatever... as long as I DO SOMETHING!  Again this is cool for me because I get bored with workouts and I like not have to stick to a certain workout program during this whole time.  I can go running, do some T25, and then some PiYO.... whatever floats my boat on that day!
The no "menu" just what to eat appeals to me because Joe and I tend to shop like Europeans ;) We don't stock up on a lot of food, we buy what we need.  For example the other night I swung by the store and picked up some stuffed chicken breast and asparagus, we already had a "side" at home, and for a little over $10 had a delicious pretty healthy meal with little to no waste, and some left overs.
We are starting on Tuesday.  Monday is my first day of work/orientation and I don't want to play the figure out food on that day especially since they are giving us breakfast and lunch!  So, come Tuesday it's game on for us!
I'll try and post on a regular, so if anyone is interested in this whole thing :P  

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