Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy Happy New Year!

Aloha 2009!
Well, not much to write about concerning last night. Our neighborhood, actually the whole little town turned into our own firework smokin' town. It was pretty much constant with the fireworks, it even started before it was completely dark. Hell, people have been shooting off fireworks today!
In the beginning of '08 I had a couple of resolutions that I wrote down on the blog on 7 Jan 08. Let's see how I did:

be more earth friendly-I've done better than I was doing in '07 and I've been an influence on my folks too! we just had a solar hot water
heater installed a couple of days ago! GO GREEN....this is definitely a resolution that will carry over to '09 :D
stay focused on my goals-doing pretty good with this one also. Moved to HI, got registered for school, started classes, and so far so good. Granted I switched my major due the the school changing the requirements BUT I'm still on course to get a degree. Classes start in a few weeks and I'm signed up for 5 classes and hopefully I'll have my degree in about a year and a half :D
exercise more.... um....yeah.... about this one. I go in spurts, I'll do good for awhile and then nothing. This one is also a carry over for '09, it's a constant struggle but I keep trying!
be happy DONE :D again this will carry over to '09 :D
not to jump to fast into relationships/avoid sick puppy dogs did somewhat good with this one;) some could say that Seanny and I jumped into our relationship but we have a history, so whatever :D he wasn't a wounded/sick puppy dog so I get kudos for that LOL
live in the moment, don't fret about the future have done pretty well with one, I'll keep this one going also.

I can't think of any new resolutions, other than continuing on what I've been trying to do already.
'08 has been a decent year for me. Live in Hawaii, I have a good support system here with my parents and now Seanny who is my home and my heart. I'm looking forward to 2009! Continuing with my education, and continuing my life with Seanny and hopefully starting with a place of our own. 2009 will also see me becoming an Aunt again. My brother and his wife, Anna, are expecting. As long as Chris keeps having the grandkids it takes the pressure off of me ;)
2009 will be eventful one way or another, that's how life should be and I'll do my best to keep you all informed :)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...