Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Finals Week :(

Well, as you can see from my previous post we had fun on the Toys for Tots run. It was really cool to ride down Waikiki. The tourist were lined up and some were waving and taking pictures, granted they couldn't cross the street while we were riding so they were sort of stuck but they seemed to enjoy the show. It was a slow ride, and from what I hear that's what's to be expected on a ride like that. I didn't mind at all. At one point we had a lizard hanging out with us on the ride (see previous post pics) and that was cute. The end of the ride didn't work out too well, it seems like there was some poor planning. We were suppose to end up at KCC but apparently their parking lot wasn't big enough AND classes were in session! So they had a lot of bikers turning around on a hill and that's dangerous! We ended up not messing with going into the KCC parking lot, we just took off and got something to eat and then headed home. Hopefully next year they will have their act together! I guess they weren't planning on all the bikers that did show up. I heard that some came from the other islands on the ferry even!
Monday afternoon I had a meeting with the career services folks about a survey I took to make sure I'm pursuing the right degree. I am :) It seems like where all my talent and interest is, consist of a lot of school! From psychology to physician, and even a vet.... I'll get this degree in social sciences and then go from there. One thing at a time!
Monday night Seanny and I went with Mom and Dad to check out fancy houses on base. The big wigs (Admirals, 4 stars, etc) open up their houses so we can be noisy:) Actually the houses are very historical, presidents have been guest at some of these houses and they have a lot of cool things from all the places they've lived with the military. It was neat but Mom said the previous years were more impressive. Bless Seanny and Dad for going with us. Talk about estrogen filled event! Those poor guys :) but we seemed to make the most of it. Don't think we'll be doing it next year...well at least not the guys, I may try again with Mom to see if it's improved but I'm not going out of my way for it.
Well, I need to get back to my studying :( I can't wait for Thursday to be over with!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...